Chapter 11 giriya becomes a new member of the team of Zerlonia

As we began to drive for a couple of hours as the traffic of other cars began to make loud honking sounds as I began to wonder why it's so back up I slowly began to drive the car out of the highway as I began to turn on the radio as music began to appear as I saw the ocean was brightly shining from the sunlight coming from the sun

As I could see other people walking on the sidewalk as the Scenery was quit pretty as I slowly kept on drive as the car navigation began to speak I began to keep on driving as I slowly reached branch I slowly started to touch the auto driver button as it began to park its self as I slowly began to get out of the car and so giriya as well I slowly hear someone calling giriya's name

Giriya: savanna? Is that you wow you changed since I last saw you how have you been she said

Savannah: I've been good so far by the way who is this pretty elf girl with you ?, she asked

Oh this is my sister Emily she said

Oh really ?, she looks so pretty I didn't know you had a sister now that I think about it you never mentioned about it she said

Anyway I'm Savannah velbannkolrk giriya's best friend since childhood she said again

Nice to meet you too I said

Then we parted ways as we began to walk to the front doors as I could hear a song I remembered watching an anime to as I began to hum it in my head as we began to stand in a long line as they began to hand giriya an packet to fill out As she began to write down on the piece of paper with a pen as the pen began to make soft noises as the line began to get shorter after many hours of talking and waiting in line I began to step aside as the person in the desk behind as giriya began to sit down and talk with the person taking a test on her as I waited in the waiting room

As my phone began to ring non stop as I picked it up out of my boot


J-wireless WIFI. LTE 📶 5:57PM




Hey Emily where are you I've been trying

To get a hold of you please call me back

As soon


Miss call



20 miss calls


Streamer social


Hey Emily you just got a new follower and

1,500 likes on your last post come check

It out



As I began to call mark back as he started to scold me as I began to explain that I was taking giriya to get her traveler license and for her to join out team as I clearly remember telling you this yesterday night

A matter of fact you did actually tell me that I forgot about it so when you get we are getting intel of a war that might in the next few years so we are gonna have to be prepared for that he said

as he began to hang up as I kept on waiting as giriya began to walk up to me with a huge smile on her face

So how did it go ?, i asked

I passed the test and got my

Traveler license as she showed me it and she showed me a proof of joining my team as we began to go to the car and drive home as I began to feel tired than usual as we managed to get home i slowly parked the car and headed back in as I got into the apartment then went to my room to fall asleep

As giriya began to show the others the good news they were happy to hear the good news

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