Chapter 12:when the sky becomes red as blood

As I slowly started to wake up as pain began to grow across my body as I could feel the rough red bricks and other rubble on the ground I began to get up slowly as I began to notice that the building had began to slowly be rebuilt

As I could see people all around as I could see people helping each other with the construction of building as loud sounds could be heard as I began to slowly go down to see what is going on

As one of the people noticed I was walking up to them

Construction worker:hi miss what brings you here it's dangerous right now with all the construction going on here he said in a nice voice

I noticed that the city was being rebuilt so I wanted to help out if I can I said

Alright then if you want to help me then why don't you get on an construction helmet and hard hat and help put up some supporting metal beams he said

As I began to nod slowly as I walked to the mini shed that was there as I began to look around to see there was fresh clothing lying around in the shed I began to change in the bathroom that was still standing and began to change clothing as I finished I put my hair in a pony tail and then began to put on construction helmet and vest

As I began to walk out to see that one of the building had just got finished as it began to light up as one of the advertisement halo screen had began to light up as words began to appear

I began to slowly walk to where they were making the metal support beams as I could head the sound of metal being hit my a hammer as the the metal was red hot as it was being moved with the force as I could also see steam beginning to form all over as I began to pick up some of the metal beams as I felt the heavy weight of them on my back as I began to drop them to the other people as they began to speak in servulian dialect as I went back to pick up more of them as hours seem to have pasted by as more buildings had finished and were standing as the power had began to come back when a loud announcement was being played as it began to say that all communications have been restored when I began to see fighter jets flying in the sky as they seem to be holding something as we saw that they had began to drop down wooden boxes as they began to land down on the ground as people began to open them up as supplies of food water and clothing and Also tools had been in there people began to grab what they needed as I began to grab the clothing food and water and began to put them aside as I went back to putting on more metal support beams in the buildings as the city began to look more lively as I saw that some people had started to work on the power poles as they started to replace the old electrical lines and began to put on new ones

As A sudden wave of dust floated in the air as I saw that the streets were being repaired slowly as the streets began to look new I slowly went back to work after 3 to 4 weeks of construction of the city had finally was all repaired

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