Chapter 20:recovering from the battle scars

As I began to gasp from air as my

Eyes began to open up very quickly as I felt something wiggle inside my arm as I began to look around to see I was in the hospital room as I saw mark rin and Hannah as I saw Hannah looking down at a magazine as she wear red glasses that made her

Eyes look bigger than usual as I began to look around to see if giriya was with me

In the room as I began to try to get up but I couldn't because of a lost of strength in my legs and arms

Hey you dumb head don't push your self your injured plus you were very reckless as well when we found you and giriya badly injured mark said

Yeah yeah I get it I swear you always yell at me for random reasons hmmph I Said

Your lucky right if you weren't in that hospital bed I would punch you in the face so hard mark said

Mark Emily shut up for five fucking seconds god I'm trying to read my magazine or I'll punch you both unconscious rin said

I began to ignore mark when I saw both my

Halo screen phones were on the hospital table as. They had the

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