Chapter 24: when snow is pure a white sand

As I began to slowly get up to see that my window has been fogged up by cold weather as ice had seem to have formed a layer on the glass sliding door window as I began to feel a sudden chilly draft coming from outside I slowly began to get up and walked towards the Thermostat as I began to press buttons slowly I felt the air inside my room get warm by the minute

That's much better I said

While I began to stretch my arms as I felt

A sudden burning and tingling feeling as that slowly Started to fade away as I finished getting ready I slowly heard a soft knock on my door I began to proceeded to walk towards it as I saw that someone was waiting for me

To respond at the door I began to say something

Yes ?, I said

Hey Emily it's me giriya you locked the door do you mind unlocking it for me she said

Uh yeah give me a sec please I said

Sure no problem sis she said as she proceeded to wait for me

To unlock the door as I slowly started to unlock the door when I was greeted by giriya as she seem to be in a very happy mood for some

Reason but I didn't want to ask

Her because she'll either ignore me or change the subject for some apparent reason

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