Chapter 26: the unexpected visit of twin sister

As I finished getting ready I slowly heard the door bell had began to ring I walked towards the door as I began to open the door to see my twin sister as she began to have a smile on her face as she seem to be really happy to see me in forever

Emily it's been forever since I last saw you sis mei said

As she hugged me tightly

Yes it's been very long time I said

Oh giriya how have you been ?, mei asked

I'm good I haven't seen you since we were little kids as she proceeded to hug her then slowly let go

Can't believe we have the three elfre sisters in one room together mei said

Yeah I know right ?, I said

Yeah that's for sure giriya said

As the others began to walk in as the say two me's in one room as they had a confused look on their faces as I began to turn around as they had startled me for a sec

So this is my twin sister mei I grabbed her underneath my arm as she seem to be rather shy but she slowly started to warm up to everyone

Hi I'm rin Hzani

Hi I'm mark Ferbana

Hi I'm Hannah Von Han Cerehal

Hi I'm Evelyn elelfrema

I'm Misa

I'm exerillia

Nice to meet you all mei said with a smile on her face as she looked down to misa and exerillia and began to walk towards them

And I can't forget my two nieces as well now I can't I come here and give me a hug you two mei said

Wow I didn't expect her to accept them as family that fast I whispered to myself

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