Chapter 27: when your inner demons come out to play

As I slowly woke up to a strange world as I began to look around to another me with light blue hair as they began to look at me with dark red eyes as I looked to see the sky to be red as I walked towards the blue hair elf to as it started to giggle in a crooked smile as it began to speak

Well well well so you finally found me after so many years what brings you here are you here to finally accept your royal powers ?, it said

What do you mean by "royal powers" I said

Your family has had a long blood relation with the royal family that had Ruled from 500AD to 4024 AD there special ability was to be able to transform to what they called "Magical super elf" a special ability where the user hair turns light blue and their power increases by 100 times their magical abilities it said

What does that mean what is your name ?, I asked

You will find that out soon when the time is right for now my name is S0133037 and that's all I'm gonna tell you see you next time we meet again it said

Wait I still have so many questions I need answers to I said

As the scenery began to vanish as black void began to fill In its place as I slowly started to wake up as I began to breath heavily as I felt my heart beat go fast as I slowly started to breath lightly

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