Chapter 27: when your inner demons come out to play

as I tried to take in the information that was right in front me as it had seem

Like I was in some kind of weird dream that I began to pinch my arm to see if I was dream but to my surprise I was not as I began to feel a

Sudden memory from my other self began to flood in to my own eyes

Serena come on we'll be late for the new order of the new elf king eski the stranger said

Alright Sereska I got it Serena said

As the memory began to fade away and I began

To come back to my own Body

What was that I just experienced I said

It seems that your other half is trying to connect with you but it seems

That you two at have not fully connected as one mei said.

As I began to understand that it seems that mei and her other half but I want to know who was that girl my other half knew when she was alive

So my other have said her name was S0133037 or that was what she gave me before the link had disappeared I said

At the year of 3063 all humans were give numbers along side their original name when they were alive so that was her number and letter as well I believe this place has records of every person from that time mei said

I will probably do that soon but for now I wanna go out for a walk I said

Alright then I'll see you back at the house Soon mei said

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