Chapter 28: new year festival of the summer

As I began to slowly wake up as I felt someone near me I had noticed it was mei as I began to wonder why she is in the same

Bed as me but I just ignored it and then walked to the bathroom and get ready was when I heard a knock on the door as I proceeded to say something

Yes ?, I said

Oh hey Emily when you are done I need to talk to you about something important Evelyn said

Okay then give me a second I'm all most done I said

As I finished getting ready I opened the door to see that Evelyn had seem to not look good as I assumed she probably had some stomach flu as I began to walk towards her as she seem to be thinking about something on her mind

So what's wrong Evelyn I have noticed that something is on your mind I said

She looked down in shame as she knew she was scared about something

I'm pregnant with Mark's child Evelyn said

Wait what ?!!! I yelled

Yep basically the same I said I'm pregnant with his child but I don't know how to tell him she said

Well this is a huge surprise alright I said

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