Chapter 28: new year festival of the summer

As I began to walk back inside as I noticed that everyone was getting ready for the festival as I began to pack up my dj equipment in a black metal case as I began to pack

It up as I heard someone walking into the room I slowly turned around to see it was mei and giriya rin and Hannah as they had smirks on their faces like they wanted to now what was going

What are you giving those Looks on your faces o asked

You know what we want to know they said

God damn it I did not break the shower for the five time I said

That's not what we were gonna ask wait what you broke the shower damn it emily you had one job rin said

Oh then what did you wanted to know I asked

We over heard your and Evelyn's conversation is it true that she is pregnant and Mark is the father ?, they asked me

Yes it's true I said

When is she gonna tell him ?, they said

During the festival I'll be in charge of giving her the cue to tell him I said

As they nodded then proceeded to walk out the door as I began to change into a traditional dress as it had a big bow in the back as I began to put my hair in a bun and then put a two chop sticks in my hair to put them in place as I walked out of the room as I noticed that most all the girls were wearing different colors of traditional dresses as I began to walk down to the car and put my equipment in the trunk as I began to close it and locked the car as I heard from

The background the loud beeping sound

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