Chapter 30: dark side of the morning

As we began to walk down the long walk way as people had seem to be in a hurray I began to keep on walking as music and other people in the near by restaurant

As I slowly looked up to the sky for a quick second to see the sky was slowly turn black as I knew that the eclipse was going to begin slowly

As I saw people gather around the near by hills as I began to grab giriya's hand as she began to slowly have a sudden reaction

She then began to say to me to slow down as I began to run up the hill as I felt a sudden pain as every step seem to have gotten more and more

Heavy than the last one

As I got up the hill to see the city tall buildings as they all had white paint and blue trim and blue windows as I had noticed people were sitting in their balconies

As I looked for a spot to sit I then found one and slowly layed down on the grass as giriya began to sit down next to me as we began to wait for the solar eclipse to start as I heard music playing in the background of a familiar song as I began to notice that the sky had officially turned dark black and the sun

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