Chapter 30: dark side of the morning

As I began to explain to her she slowly started to nod her head slowly then began to follow me down the hill

Hey I bet you I can run faster than you down this hill I said

Oh so your betting she said

Yep I'll bet you 16 eskerna dollars if I win I said

Oh your on little sister she said

As I began to run fast down the hill as the feel

Of the air began to rush past my face as I looked to see that giriya was somewhat right behind me as I began pick up the pace as I felt the pavement

Getting harder for my shoes to grip onto as I began to slowly slide down as I began to pick more speed as I used an air spell as the current of air began to push me more faster than before I began to shout in fun

Yaahooo I said

As I began to stop as I got to the bottom of the hill as I began to wait for giriya as she slowly reached down to the bottom of the hill as she had run out of breath as she began to ask me how the heck I was so fast

I told her I do a lot of morning runs

As she gave me the money I betted on as we walked to the local market as music began to play from the speakers as

People walked by each other as it had seem to be rather packed as I began to grab the food I needed as I felt other people right behind me as they pushed me as I slowly got to the paying counter as i began to pay and then walked with giriya back to the house as we kept on walking down the sidewalk as the cars kept on driving by every few seconds

as I began to hear loud music playing the background of near by restaurants as I began to keep on walking slowly walk up some staircase as the sound of steps started to echo through the walls as we began to go to our apartment door as I began to open it and then proceeded to put away the food and other items away I then proceeded to walk to my room and fell asleep

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