Chapter 31:fire within city of people

Well .... I got a halo screen blown up at my face and I fell out of a window i said

Sounds like a bad day to me Rin said

Yeah oh hey look there are military mobile suits flying In the sky I said

As I began to see a dark green metal coated mobile suit as it had heavy duty weapons on its back as I began to wonder how it's staying in the air but I slowly started to keep on walking as the fire had began to spread further downwards as I heard a loud sound as I began to see a part of a building as it began to fall towards rin as I began to run towards rin as I began to push her with me as I began to run towards a wall as I began run as fast as I could while looking towards the falling building as it began to clash its self

Towards another building near by as rubble of broken glass started to fall down towards the ground and bricks and other objects falling down as sudden dust cloud began to form as the road leading the other way and began to be blocked by the fallen building as i began to see sparks form all over the place

As a loud alarm began to play as it echoed around the hallow streets and all over as well as words began to be heard

"This is a emergency address system code name 00A33636603 the government has just issued a country evacuation order

All citizens near by are ordered to evacuate immediately and are also allowed

To carry weapons on them all local government teams will receive orders soon on what to do all information on the unknown monsters are still unknown at this time

This is a class level God please evacuate immediately I repeat all citizens are advised to Eva- the alarm system said as it began to go quite

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