Chapter 31:fire within city of people

So your the team from the government of Xbelana correct?, the soldier said

I showed him my badge as he began to see that i was apart of the government called esknnadalailand as he began to look back up towards me as he proceeded to say something

So your Emily then we had received word that your team was supposed to arrive he but they are in a different facility in the next city over as we speak they are supposed to arrive within the next hour by Hover craft fighter planes the soldier said

I see then I said

If you would please follow me this way to meet doctor Eser is expecting you and your team so follow me don't get lost alright the solder said

Understood I said

As I began to follow him as I began to see a heavy metal door as it began to open itself slowly as I began to look inside to see there was a dark hallway as lights began to turn on as I began to see a light blue halo flooring appear in front

Of me as I began to stand on to it as it began to lift up as I slowly began to see pipes other electrical wires and I saw

As I began to look down to see that it was just darkness as the light had seem to turn off as I began to feel it had stop as a rusty metal gate door had began to open as I saw a a large meeting room that had a black obsidian table as it had lights of the computer screens and lights as I began to walk towards the table and then proceeded to sit down

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