Chapter 34:the city under fire

You Baster I'll kill you I said as I proceeded to pull the trigger of the gun as the alien slowly turn it's head towards me as I slowly saw light blue began to come from the gun as the gun made a loud blast and then the light blue ball hit the alien as it then died as it fell down

You deserve that here is a little message to your leader of what ever the fuck you call yourself but 'if you decide to ever attack this planet ever again you best believe I will make sure every one of you die a painful death and I'll watch you die I front of me piece of alien trash' I said

As I began to shoot it in the head as it let out it's last breath I then proceeded to walk away from

It as I looked up to see there was fire in the sky I began to keep on walking as I looked around the entire town I slowly saw mark rin hannah and Evelyn but not misa or exerillia

Hey over there I said

Oh my god we had worrried you had died but we are glad your alright Evelyn said

Yeah same here rin said

Same Hannah said

Eh I wouldn't really care either way but I guess I was worried about you mark said

Where is misa and exerillia ?, I asked

They got captured by the alien queen apparently these creatures home is this place apparently around 4077 the human had killed them and then proceeded to kick them out of this place and called this planet our home so they came back for revenge and their queen is in the ruin underground city over 5 miles away from here so we should grab a camouflage fighter plane and go over there to get them back mark said

I see then I know where we can find one I said

But you guys need to follow me I said

They nodded then proceeded to follow me as I slowly began to look around to see if the coast was clear I slowly found their alien launching site as I proceeded to run past them as fast as I could I slowly hid myself onto a metal box as i saw there were other citizens being transported to ruin city I slowly proceeded to run towards an empty space craft as I gave the signal to the others as they proceeded to run towards me I slowly started to see that one of the aliens had seem to have noticed

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