Chapter 35: the ruin city of Zealonda from the past

As i began to see a large rocky room that had alien writing carved into the walls that seem to go further into the cave its self i slowly noticed there was dark metal chains that glow with the dim lights as I heard a loud drop of water hit onto the rocky like surface it's self

It seems like these words seem to lead somewhere I said

They look to be very old we should follow it maybe it will lead to the queen of these mother fuckers mark said

I agree but also it's rather dangerous because it

could be a trap Evelyn said

Yeah I agree with Evelyn Hannah said

Same here rin said

As we continued to go down the hallow cave tunnel as it began to feel smaller by the minute I slowly saw light which was when I saw misa and exerillia as they were chained down by magical chains as the alien guards seem to be checking every corner of this place as I began to grab my sniper gun out of my backpack

As I slowly leveled it with the rock pillar as I began to put on the silencer as I began to shoot the guards one by one as I saw the queen alien slowly look at me with its black eyes that had a blank-less expression on its face as it began to open its mouth a large beam started to charge up with lightening as it began to spring towards me

Shit they noticed we are here I said as I pushed my self away from the blast range as I proceeded to fall I slowly pulled the string towards my parachute as it began to open and I slowly glided down to the surface

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