Chapter:37 letter of the year

When I proceeded to think

About what my sister told me when she visited from that planet I began to then walk towards my back door as I the hidden door proceeded to open up as I began to then walk down a lot of staircases as a dim light began to shimmer onto the dark staircase as I felt the other spirit memories began to flood into me I suddenly had a flashback of that spirts previous memory as I began to lose my mind as I fell into the memory of that spirit

Serena Synnuyalii you are here by banished from Europe unified federation you are going to new earth on the colony country of ereskralai now get her out of my sight right away the stranger in the in this forgotten memory

As I began to hear Serena's voice through the thought of my head

Yes a very long time ago I was born in the earth which you guys call old earth but during the year 3099 Europe had announced that all its governments had Offical United from the Verideniadai war that had gone down from 2099 to 3056 Serena said

But why were you banished from your home planet ?, I asked

I was apart of an government task force called esknador that task force was supposed to keep Europe under check but we got falsely accused of something we did not do and most of the task force was killed on site Serena said

So that's why you ended up in this new planet but how did you died ?, I asked

I do not know all I know is that my best friend was an pure elf so she is still alive I know that for sure but I don't know if she is still on this planet

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