Chapter 39: a relaxing time of the sky it’s self

When I began to wake up from a deep slumber as I began to hear someone calling my name as I began to seem my long silver hair as it covered my eyes for a brief minute

Oh your awake sis giriya said

Yeah I'm up but why are you waking me up so early no actually rather early than I normally do I said

Well I cants see your eyes because your hair is covering your eyes so I can't tell Your expression on your face giriya said

Yeah I'm aware of that sis but every time I cut my hair it ends up growing fast I said

Oh!, which reminds me did you hear from mei ?, I said

No I have not what was it about ?, giriya said

So our race is now about to take a whole new step of technological advancement where they are doing research on the possibility of making artificial galaxy systems and artificial planets as well I said

Dang we are more advanced than the human race that's for sure if we are doing research on artificial galaxies then when will the human race begin to do space colonies giriya said

As I began to stretch as a sudden rush of feeling to sneeze began to come out of my nose as I began to have a hard sneeze

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