Chapter 45: the newly created city of the new earth three ring cities Orzoro Terzoro Eskzoro

Actually I was thinking the exact same thing I said

So we wanna go on a vaction to see the new earth ring cities Hannah said

Yeah that would be great I said

As I had said that I slowly got a random notification from my halo screen phone as it began to make a loud ringtone

Hmm I wonder who is calling or messaging at this time I said to my self


J-mobile 📶 UWLTE 9:09am

New messages


Hey Emily this is the office branch of the elf race reminding you that you have less than 5 years left before you have to go to the main colony planet Orinnea thank office worker Eysstel Elfnavvak


Huh I see then I said

As I began to slowly began to look at my self in the mirror as I began to see myself as I tried to fix my hair

As I had saw I was wearing a black beanie dark oak wooden glasses red heavy jacket red skirt and black leggings and black boots as I slowly started to like how I look and then proceeded to feel someone put their hand on my shoulder as it had began to make me jump a bit from the surprised as a voice began to slowly say something

Hey Emily it's me Evelyn sorry I didn't mean to scare you she said

No no it's not your fault I wasn't paying attention that's for sure heh heh I said

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