Chapter 46: the vaction to the new earth ring cities

As I began to slowly wake up and slowly began to hear something ringing rather loudly I began to grunt as I reached for the nearest thing and put it on top of my ears

Ugh.... what the fuck is that sound it's so irritating to listen to I said

As I began to realize that today was the trip to the new earth ring cities as I started to hear the near by door that had began to make a loud creaking sound was when I had heard a familiar voice stating to say something

Hey Emily you up we are about to leave in about 50 minutes from now the voice said

Was when I began to wake up and lifted my self up I began to rub my eyes as it took a few moments for my eyes to open up as my vision began to look rather blurry as I began to see blurry figures that were to hard for me to see as I had began to noticed that my vision began to become more clear as things in the room seemed to become more easy to notice

Oh shoot I'm gonna be late that's for sure I said

As i began to run to the bathroom and got readyI began to hear a loud ping sound as it began to make a melody as a clear halo screen began to appear in front of me as it began to make a transmission as it look to be from someone as I began to see it was from mark

As I began to sigh rather loudly

Yes mark what do you want ?, I said

We are waiting on you do you mind hurrying the fuck up he said

Oh well if your giving me that kind of attitude then I'll take even longer because I don't respond to dicks I said

Why iota give you a punch in the face for that comment you just made he said

Oh so you wanna fight eh ?, why your just gonna make a scene and make a fool out of your self

Since you always seem to do that every time I said

As I began to finish up and walked out of the room as the halo screen began to follow me as I moved

.... he said as he began to mumble under his breath as he hanged up the halo screen call as the halo screen began to slowly dissolve and disappeared into thin air

As I began to move to the car as mark began to open the door to the car as I got inside and closed the door

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