Chapter 48:the trip to the second ring city of new earth

Wait I have so many questions that need answers damn it don't you go without answering my questions I said

But it was too late the person had disappeared into thin air afterwards I had so many different type of questions but that suddenly changed as I began to shake off the feeling of what had happened and then proceeded to get ready for the day as I had started to hear something opening I began to slowly grab a kitchen knife and began to tightly grip it as I began to sneak up behind the person in the darkness as they proceeded to say something

Emily what the fuck are you doing with a knife more importantly what the fuck are you doing

Hannah said

Oh sorry Hannah I didn't know it was you and I apologize for almost killing you I said

No it's no problem by next time don't scare me oh before I forget to mention you do realize that in the morning we are supposed to take the hyper train to the next ring city for a couple of days then after then take another hyper train to the last city ring and head back home Hannah said

Yes I did know about that but I rather go out for a walk before then so I'll see you later hopefully I said

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