Chapter 50: the adventure of the second ring city of new earth

As I proceeded to slowly hang up the halo screen call as I began to slowly process the information I had received

Hmm I see then so there might be a possibility of find out more information about the forgotten 100 year war this might be interesting indeed I said

Hey sis you ready to go explore the second ring city of new earth the others are waiting for you giriya said

Yes I know I'm on my I said

As I proceeded to slowly grab my long sweater and slowly started to walk towards the door in the living room as it began to look rather big than it usually looked I began to see there was some ancient texts from somewhere

I had started to see the others as they looked to have to be waited for a while as mark proceeded to walk up towards me with a grin look on his face as he seemed to want to say something

Rather rude

Well well well look who decided to take their sweet ass time getting here huh or rather you seem to to like to take your time huh now mark said

Yeah and your an asshole who likes to be an apparently in in the ass to other people so why don't you go shove those words back down your throat why don't you I said

As mark began to slowly mumble under his breath as he proceeded to walk on ahead of us all

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