Chapter 53: the location of the old ruin of the post war era of the elf’s and humans cities is found

As we proceeded to walk through a long narrow hallway full of books that looked to have been warn out or as there was a lot of book that looked to be torn on the old worn out leather

So is this the records of the 100 year war I asked

Yes this is it has records and first hand accounts on war so it has everything your looking for the person said

I see then thank you for your help I said it's nothing really I'm just glad to see there are some fellow elf's she said

Your an elf as well I said

Retshrat Zelfn urudon kortshresho she said

Ah Evin terreshreo nertan felenadullo I said

As the Evelyn giriya and my two other kids looked to know what everything I'm say as we are the only elf's in this team of ours

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