Chapter 55: arrival on the Third ring city of new earth

As the automated message then proceeded to renounce something again as I began to hear a loud bing sound that seemed to have lasted for a few moments the a voice began to say something

Welcome to new zortono city the main capital city of the third ring city please make sure to watch your step as you leave the Hyper train and thank you again for choose our train company have an amazing day

The automated voice said as the train door began to open up and people began to slowly leave the train as the city looked a whole lot of different than the other two ring cities as there was mini waterfalls that had misty into the air as there was also an artificial ocean and beach that was made to look like the beaches on new earth

Wow I already feel like I'm back on new earth with this artificial weather and scenery oh jeezs it's already night time we should get going to the hotel and sleep because this is the last part of our vacation I said

As the other began to follows as we began to check into a near by hotel and began to slowly go into our hotel room As I began to change my cloths and then proceeded to fall down onto my bed and sleep

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