Chapter 56: the adventure of the final ring city of new earth

Mmm I don't know really you were really rude to me so should I tell you or not that's something your gonna have to make a decision on Serena said

Your so damn lucky your a spirit because if you were not I would punch you in the face so hard that you would be knocked out to next week I said

Oh how scary not, I'm not really Afraid of you at all your just an amusement toy that keeps me entertained for the time being until you pass away so your stuck with me for the rest of your life so get use to it

As my patience seemed to be drying thin as my blood had started to boil inside my veins as I had started to clench my fists rather tightly as I could feel it was starting to hurt rather quickly then I began to sigh rather loudly and proceeded to say something

fine tell me what happened and I promise I won't

Try to kill you behind your back Serena I said

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