Chapter 57: the adventure of the new earth ring cities comes to an end

As we slowly began to see a tall building that look to be able to see the whole city in a 360 view I began to feel rather excited to see the whole city in a high place as I began to feel excited that I proceeded to run into the tall building as I was welcomed into a rather large space that had advance technology that look to have halo banner that had words spelled out in front of it as I began to ignore it and proceeded to walk up the stairs as I began to realize that the staircase was rather huge I had already started to lose my breath

Why is there so many gosh darn stairs in one building what building level am I at anyway I said

Oh come on why is there over 500 floors in one building ah screw it im gonna use my hover gear to get to the top I said

As I proceeded to slowly grab a small device as I began to press a button as blue aura began to surround me as I began to be lifted up as I double pressed the button I slowly started to go up to the top of the building as I saw there was a restaurant that was at the top of this building I began to wonder to my self why there a restaurant here then I realized this could be our last dinner here before we have to go back to new earth and start the adventure to the ruin city of the war era city of the elf's and humans I began to slowly walked towards the edge of the building and proceeded to jump off as I began to feel the pressured air rush right past me as I began to put arms up to guide me as the ground seemed to be rather close I began to stop myself and landed safely down as the others seemed to be rather concerned

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