Chapter 62: the truth comes out from an AI

Welcome to the city branch of the elf United federation city sector number 788901106 please enter password or access code to access files you wish to know a halo keypad will be displayed in 1 second you have 3 attempts to access your account ID after that the ai system locking defense will be activated the ai said

As I began to look at the records I have as I began to type out high ranked access code as the screen on the old fashion computer began to have words start to be written out


Checking authorization code

The code you have entered has been accepted

Welcome Alpha royal green code of command

the code will allow all access to all the files

Within the United federation of the elf's

Government branches please know that these

Files are top secret any unauthorized personnel

Accessing these files will result in death

And termination of record of person under

Elf federation law section 011-B-091

Files within the government are under Heavy

Encryption any solider from enemy bases

found accessing theses files will be shot on site


Now accessing files



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