Chapter 67:the time the aliens arrive and make contact

As I began to wake up and get ready as I began to feel my eyes start to feel heavy as I began to slowly move my hair away from my eyes as it started to irritate my skin

Well looks like I'm supposed to go to the base located in Vertona area I said to myself

As I began to hear the door near by began to have a knock loudly As a voice started to say something slowly as it was a deep voice

Hey Emily you ready to go down to the military base in vertona mark said

Yes we are we are supposed to be receive information on what going on I said

As the sound of helicopter began sound like they were getting closer and closer as the sound of heavy wind began to fill around the area as the i began to slowly grab my phone and a small bag and proceeded to head out as I saw five elf high government Offical's and mei as well and a few soldiers as well

Well well well mei it's good to see you again I said

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