Chapter 69 the enemy base in Zerula

So let us begin our travel to the near by country north of us as I began to slowly change into dark clothing and began to also put on camouflage armor slowly started to make my way to the outside of the building as I slowly saw that there was fighter jets and other military hover craft planes and vehicles began to go by and the sound of people and sounds began to fill the military base it's self

You ready ?, once we go we can never go back until this is over I said

Yes I'm more than ready let's get this started Hannah said

As we began to see that the hover craft helicopter began to slowly start to move towards us as a sudden rush with heavy wind that seemed to be from the helicopter it's self as I began to slowly move out of the way as it was preparing to land its self

Emily you ready for your mission ?, mei said

Yes sister I am I'm already informed on the information so far the enemy has not figured out any information about our plans I said

Yes we had found out that there was a spy within this facility so they were terminated on the spot they would of received information on our plan for now let's get on the plane and start our investigation mei said

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