Chapter 74: fall of a leader

As I began to look at ray to make sure he was fine as we proceeded to keep on looking as the sound of enemy troops began to walk by as they had weapons that had bright lines as it looked to be black hole technology

Ray stay close to me alright I whispered

As ray began nod his head slightly we began to sneak out way around the as I'm clenching my hand tightly on the Handel of the laser blaster in my hand as I started to look as I slowly saw a group of them in the center as they looked to have a hostage of people as they were tied up with a halo rope as the enemy soldiers had heavy artificial war armor as the main leader general started to move forward as he had a dark green rob and heavy metal armor that had sharp point as he began to had a long plasma sword as it began to light up brightly

Listen here you filthy humans your world leaders can not help you no one will help you as quickly as we are killing your species the leading commander said

Your foolish to think you stand a chance against the elf's and us humans it's rather funny actually the citizen said

Oh really what could be funny with death it's self or would you rather die if so that would be fun the commanding leader said

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