Chapter 76: the day off towards relaxing

Well I guess we can take the unmarked hover car to the local island if we need to but we also have to make sure that we are not being followed by enemy spies mei said

Yes sis but your such a worrywart no wonder you haven't gotten a boyfriend yet giriya said

Oh shut up giriya actually where is that ice water when you need it mei said

As I began to change into a bikini as it had white and blue as I began to put my hair up into a messy bun as I started to put on shorts that has white fur and dark blue material as I started to put a white shirt and then put a small white sun hat that was long as I slowly saw that giriya and mei where still fighting each other as I started to stop them

Alright you two stop now let's go to the hover car the others are waiting I said

Fine giriya said

Whatever mei said

As I began to walk down the long hallway as there was rooms of people living as the building had seem to be rather tall as we slowly worked our way to the bottom level as I started to see mark Hannah Rin Evelyn as they looked to have been waiting for what had seemed like a few moments as we began to pack up into the car as it began to go towards the highway

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