Chapter 77: the next move from the enemy plan

Who the hell are you and how do you know about my title from a very long time ago I said

Well it seems that your rather clueless huh to figure out who I am but no matter all I will say is that I'm apart of the enemies forces to inform you that your base in Yvesta will be our next attempt to kill the humans and the elf's the voice said

Huh I see then well you didn't realize that the place I'm at has a way of tracking your location so not very smart of a plan now would it huh I said

Shit damn you well I'll just leave a name for you to call me by I am Yxual and that's all you will now about me for the time being have fun with watching this world disappear heh heh heh hahahahaha Yxual said

As he began to slowly disappear as his body began to fade away with every few seconds as I slowly started to say something

Very well then if you wanna keep on continuing this war then I have no choice but to kill you when I find you my self I said

As he began to have wicked smirk on his face as his body had completely faded away as I started to punch the near by wall as it had began to fall down and crumble

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