Chapter 78: the battle of a fallen angel

As I began to nod my head then proceeded to see the elf's and humans helping each other as the sound of different languages could be heard as I slowly saw sparks fly onto the ground as they then proceeded to scatter all over the place

Hey Emily over here a voice said as I proceeded to move head to see ray and Agussests as they looked to be different type of space grade metal silicone suit as they proceeded to get into the space fighter plane as it proceeded to make a loud screeching sound as the engine inside has began to start up as I slowly lifted my self up into the seat and then proceeded to strap my self in as I began to have a halo screen appear in front of me

Hey Emily it's me your mother I had heard about you were in a war and I wanted to tell you something she said

Yeah what's up mom I said

You know that necklace that you had Wore your entire life it has the spirit of your grand mother of the war of north Kyau and new Kyau well she is the spirit called Serena Yu'llyalii Elfreisena sadly she passed away 4566 but she is supposed to protect you anyway I need to end the call stay safe and contact me when you have the chance to do so my mom said as she hanged up the halo screen call

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