Chapter 81 : feelings start to form

As I began to slowly take a deep breath as I could feel my heart start to skip a beat as I felt my blood started to pump faster than it usually does as my reach my hand towards the brass metal door handle as I began to turn it as I was slowly welcomed by the others as they looked to be in a lot more nicer clothing than me as I began to slowly start to wonder why my heart was beating so fast

as mei and giriya slowly noticed what I was feeling as they looked at me and then proceeded to grab my hand as we began to run to the nearest bathroom as I was more confused on why they took me to the nearest bathroom unannounced and mostly without a warning to me

As they stoped they began to look at me with a smirk on their faces as they seemed to have read me like an open book

Well who is the guy you like huh sis giriya said

yeah spill the beans we know you have a crush on someone but we are more curious on who it is mei said

Sigh well didn't really expect 'you two to find out so quickly' I said

what do you mean by 'expected us to find out' you know we are your sisters we are gonna find out one way or another anyway tell us mei said

It's ray I said

wait your in love with a human ?, mei said

Yeah ?, why is that a bad thing I asked her

well... within elf culture it goes against an elf to fall in love with a human but mother did do it against the will of our race but there have been talks about it to become a legal thing where elf's and humans can marry but until then I would say go for it mei said

Anyway for now we need to go to back to meet the others at the ball hurry now we can't be late we have guard duty for me and giriya mei said

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