Chapter 89 information comes quick

Yes indeed anyway let's just go to the nearest restaurant then use the teleport device home to the base giriya said

As we proceeded to look around the street lights started to turn on as the cold breeze started to get a bit more chilly than before I started to feel that my skin had felt small goosebumps start to form all over I felt my entire body start to shiver

Man it's cold I said

Well it could also be that you chose light clothing instead of clothing for this type of weather mei said

Yeah I do agree with mei giriya said

Wow thanks so much for the support sis I said

As we find a small old fashioned street taco place we start to slowly open the door as the sound of a bell started to ring as we were greeted by some people inside I started to order my food and sat down as the sound of music could be heard through out the entire shop as I looked at some photos of ancient times from the 2020's or even earlier than that

Wow they even have some old photos from the ancient times even old documents that's really interesting I said to my self

Yeah it is giriya said

as we kept on eating our food as I could feel to flavor make my mouth water I started to finish my food quickly as giriya and mei started to look at each other and then me like I was being crazy

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