Chapter 91: more information about the elf’s and the war surfaces

I slowly began to shake as my hand seemed to wobbling a lot and also shiver or possibly shake but I began to wonder why I was so nervous or scared about what was in this small file would it be something terrifying or something good more thoughts began to rush through my mind quickly piling up

I need to not focus so much on what I am so scared about will be in this file folder and just open it I said

to my self as I slapped my two cheeks and felt the jolt of pain start to activate my pain muscles I began to slowly see my hand shake I proceeded to open the folder as I was welcomed by what looked to be endless amounts of pages and field reports over the years during the elf and human war

interesting so it seems like more and more of these forgotten ruins of prewar era of the elf's and humans is resurfacing all over both old and new earth from what is seems I said

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