Chapter 93: a fiery moment happens

Hmm I guess the meeting is over now well I better get ready I did promise amberlin that I would meet her at the Sunnji Berna train station I said to my self

as I proceeded to collect my things and proceeded to shake the generals hands and the began to Slowly walk out of the room as I heard someone say my name I slowly reacted and then turned around slowly to see it was amberlin

Oh hey there amberlin you scared me half to death I said with a awkward giggle

Hi there Emily I apologize for scaring you but I heard there is supposedly a small event that's being held in the city sector over from here amberlin said

Oh , ... really then I guess we should go check it out huh ?, it does sound like it would be fun so let's go check it out but first I need to get ready I said

Alright then I'll see you at the train station amberlin said as she slowly started to run past me and disappeared with the large crow in the hall way

Well she surely does go on ahead of everyone that's for sure well I better get to my room quickly I need to get ready I said to my self

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