Chapter 98: the field report on the current events

I started to nod my head as I proceeded to walk further into the base the sound of machines and equipment being used as sparks and other loud sounds started to echo through the thin walls that it felt like they were bouncing all over the place

*sigh* man after that mission I'm starting to worry what's next at this point I sigh under my breath

oh general Emily over here please a voice said

As I started to turn my head to see an elf that was in high ranking military clothing as I proceeded to walk towards them as they took a deep breath and then started to say something

My apologies general Emily for this inconvenience but it's rather import the devices you brought back from your excavation of the ruin war era city well we did a scan and we found some shocking information that has surfaced but the problem is that it's locked to a elf named Osaaii Veruna elfrreiina which supposedly was one of the very first elf's to revived from the time the elf's revived from extinction so this person must of have been in the war when it happened but we have no record of anyone with that name the person said

I see then , what about the other Device I sent over to be analyzed I said

that we were able to crack but there is a bunch of files in old Germanic language the dialect that was common in the 2039's to 5669 so we are working on cracking it also my name is Yang pleasure to meet you but you better hurry to the commander the elf scientist said

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