Chapter 101:the tough conversation of bad news

Well you see when I was young before I had meet your father I was two an alpha warrior traveler but at the time it was very different because the elf's were not fully accepted by the humans during and after the war like now where we are accepted within the United earth federation and the UEFSF as well she said

Really you two ?, I guess I wouldn't of have expected that since I never really asked you how you two meet or what you did when you were young I said

it's alright I understand well I know I have a photos in my wallet let me just show you it and then when you come back I'll tell you everything of my adventures she said

That would be great mom I said

As she started to reach for her pockets searching for her wallet as she found it there was a small pause as the suspense was killing me because I didn't know what to expect as she pulled the wall infront of her as she found it

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