Chapter 101:the tough conversation of bad news

Well I'm now rather curious on what that form my mom had at the time when she was young it's starting to bug me a bit I said to my self

as I lay down on my bed trying to relax my body for what seemed like a couple of minutes I started to feel my body relax it's self slowly Which was when I started to fall asleep into a deep sleep for a few moments which was when I could hear a knock on the door as I opened my eyes and started to lift my self up

Yes hang on one second I'm coming I said

I proceeded to walk to the door and opened it to see it was both mei and Evelyn as they looked to be in beach clothing as I started to become rather confused on why they were in beach clothing and not starting to prepare for when we are going to old earth in 1 to 2 weeks from now

So why are you guys in bathing suits I asked

Oh I see you didn't get the memo huh well the Sargent wanted to host a BBQ at the private beach section of the base that is own by this countries government mei said

Huh well I did not know about this I was busy talking to mom since she came to visit not to long ago I said

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