Chapter 103:the fire of the night sky is bright in the fall

As I started to run on the sand and then slowly started to catch up to the others as I could feel that my head was rather spinning around as I started to fall I could feel someone start to pick me up and carry me as I started to open my eyes to see ray

Hey Emily you shouldn't really be walking if your that drunk just saying ray said

Oh shut up I can handle my self just fine I said

Oh really now ?, you say that but weren't you just to tipsy to stand up yet alone walk he said

As I started to get grumpy and blush at the same time as I felt ray body heat and looked up into the sky seeing the shiny stars as I could feel rather sleepy as I started to rub my eyes softly and yawn.

As we started to keep on walking to the teleport machine as we got past I started to see that ray had changed his form from his natural hair to red hair that started to float in the zero gravity as we started to jump to the other side I started to look at him

Hey can you let me down please I can walk the rest by my self I said

Nah I'll just help you the rest of the way he said

Hmph fine I guess I'll allow it this one time but I can handle my self I said

I'm sure you can he said

As he started to put me on the bed and started to leave locking the door as I started to fall asleep

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