Chapter 105:the time the season changed from Sumer to fall

Roger that Sargent Emily the elf scientist said

Wait why are you guys calling her a Sargent mark asked

well you see in the elf United federation there are ranks for higher ups and her rank is rather a special type of rank that is only given to very few elf's within the elf government of kingdoms the elf scientist said

Wait you guys go by ranks ?, mark said

Yep what did you expect us to go by I get we may be an advance spices we still go by rank of power and authority the female elf scientist said

very well mark said

well mark I want a full report file to hand to the Sargent before we go to old earth I said

Very well Sargent Emily it will be done I can assure you that mark said

- mean while on old earth at the enemy base located off the coast of Jamaica-

damn it all why haven't you idiots not figure out our enemies base on new earth aren't I sparing your families back on our home world we already have lost one of our kings ranks said a person in royal clothing and a heavy metal axe that has engraved words on it and other symbols

We are sorry our lord your highness we lost contact with one of our spy's one of the servants said

enough with these excuses you have wasted my time long enough and drives my patients as well I have no choice but to issues a direct order to have all our forces attack the near by countries here on old earth to see our enemies response and to also see the one called the blue hair monster that has killed to much of my men the person said

As the room looked to be of an old castle that has rotted and to be able to break at any time to be exact as the royal king started to stare directly into his servants

Now you two shall die for making me lose my patience the king said

No your great Azaleauka spare u-s one of the servant said as he started to get sliced as blood started to spill all over and onto the the royal king face as he started to lick it then proceeded to laugh uncontrollably

- back on new earth-

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