Chapter 112: the party of celebration of the two people

As there was a loud cheering and clapping that echoed through out the whole area as rin and Hannah started to reach out their hands to each other holding tightly as they could feel their heart beats Racing fast than expected the feeling could be felt by other people

as I handed a bottle of wine as they all looked at me with their eyes as I started to take a deep breath then started to say something

Well I guess normally I don't do toasts to the brides but big congratulations to them to be honest this whole thing was unexpected especially after a lot of things that had happened but enough about that let's party and celebrate these two lovely people after getting engaged i said

As I started to lift up the bottle of white wine as a loud pop could be heard followed by a white misty slowly flowing out of the bottle it's self as the music started to play again more loudly than expected as I started to hand the bottle over to rin

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