Chapter 122:the transition into the old earth

Well look at that it's the whole county of the United Kingdom in all it's glory I said

Yes indeed now our adventure continues a new chapter in old earth and the tale to it end on a grand ending the Sargent said

Indeed so shouldn't there be an announcement to let us know we are about to land into the UK air space travel sector i said

Yes shortly the Sargent said in a quick tone of voice as he was fixated his eyes on the news paper of our home planet while he drank some coffee I could tell by the look in his eyes he was trying to stay awake but was barely making it as the feeling of being tired and his own body wanting to sleep

As I noticed on the clear halo screen it started to say something as the map and small plane icon updated its self rather quickly to show the land of the county as I felt the plane start to lower its self into descent onto land quickly

well I better start preparing for the landing though I do admit this entire flight was so long to begin with I whispered to my self quietly as possible

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