Chapter 123: the adventure continues in old earth with a new chapter

Well we indeed fact made it in one piece but it's so rather pretty here and from the looks of it there's tons of stuff to do here which great but sadly I would like to come here for a real vacation after the war is over not gonna lie I said

sighing deeply knowing we are on direct orders by the earth federation and elf federations orders as well but my mind kept on thinking of what would be really wonderful time being here on vacation instead of helping an intergalactic war that is happening on the side of everything

well to be honest Emily maybe when the war is over we can come here after the war is over mei said

as I started to jump out of my skin rather quickly from a slight shock and fear that put me off guard for a few moments until I started to speak again

Well you really scared me half to death there not gonna lie I said

Oh my apologies sis didn't really meant to scare you half to death but I guess I didn't know I could be able to scare people huh I guess you learn something new everyday mei said

I have a bad feeling your gonna try to scare people unexpectedly aren't you I said

What me how dare you accuse your own elder sister like that the shame and pain I feel oh dear goodness mei said

And now your just being dramatic again I said

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