Chapter 127: words speak louder than words

As I slowly awake from a deep trance of sleep I began to feel my eyes start to open up slowly with each second that pasts by I felt the cold winter breeze flow into the room rather suddenly I proceeded to lift my body up out of the comfort of the bed rather slowly

My god what time is it right now I asked my self in a rather quiet speaking tone of voice as I checked the time it looked to be 5:30 in the morning I knew the day was today when we are supposed to meet with

I began to stand up out of the bed reaching for a worn out white coat that was thin to the touch I began to put it around my body and walk down the stairs where I was greeted by xullea as she took a small sip of her tea in a white china as she slowly took a small pause to look at me as she had noticed me

Well your up early Emily you do realize that the government Offical's won't be here for a little bit longer she said

Yes I know that but I rather wake early that's for sure I said

Hmm interesting statement but if you will excuse me I need to go back to what I was doing she said

Hmm seems like to me you were not really doing anything but drinking tea I said

Oh aren't you a smart ass hmm she said taking another sip of her tea

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