Chapter 128: the turn of events

Where the hell am I and where is xullea ?, I said

Your currently in the royal military base off the coast of the English Channel between France and the North Sea and xullea she should be on her way here through the transportation device soon enough he said

as I looked down to see my self I noticed that I was in my elf federation military armored uniform unit I started to have so many questions When I was unexpected greeted by a flash light as I noticed xullea was being put back to her original form as she started to have a armor uniform that has black spikes on both shoulders and a crest necklace that has spikes on it as well

Well then since everyone is here and accounted for I might as well proceed with introductions the man said

My name is John Ashrata at your service you will be spending you time here during the rest of the war John said

wait a minute I was told to meet you since you could help me figure out more information about Serena estassahar I said

his face went to a pale white when he heard the name I said

How do you know that name and what is your relationship towards that women John asked me with a small hint of fear in his voice

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