Thunder Head

As Matt swings through the city on his shadow whips, he takes the time to train his intuition by reading the files he was sent as he continues his high speed travel. At this point, there isn't much danger to his life if he hits something while swinging but he still would feel some pain and cause quite a bit of damage to the environment. Coincidentally, the area where Thunder Head was last spotted is a place Matt recognizes. Thunder Head was last seen entering a warehouse a quarter of a mile away from the one Matt had previously trained in. The warehouse Tony "Thunder Head" Trawl had entered was much nicer than the one Matt used. It looked only a few years old and had many working cameras watching the perimeter. It seems the fencing surrounding the lot was electrified, if the zaps of dead bugs were anything to go by. Tony either had plenty of income to own a place like this, or he worked for someone who did. Either way, Matt was determined to bring him back, dead or alive. This bounty was classified as a low level threat, but the suspected and confirmed crimes pinned to Tony's name were numerous. Ranging from assaults and manslaughter to 1st degree murder. It seems this man only sees people as targets and his preferred method of attack is headbutting? The picture included makes sense now. In the file is a picture of a gruff looking man who looks like he'd fit right in at a Metal concert. His forehead is his most noticeable feature, looking like a small boulder was inserted in front of his brain. Apparently the name Thunder Head comes from the sound he makes as he performs his signature move on victims. The last thing they hear is the sound of thunder as their heads implode like pinatas at a fiesta. After his last rampage, Matt found no trouble with recreating his appearance as Judgement and was currently using that appearance as he arrived at Tony's warehouse. The file mentions that the force Tony can create is equivalent to 520 lbs(235 kgs) which is about twice the power a martial artist can exert with a punch. As Matt uses his 100 intelligence now to see that his body could currently survive a "head on" confrontation with Tony, he decides to fearlessly walk up to the front gate. As he stands in front of the gate a camera focuses on him and a voice from a hidden microphone says "Scram brat, no trespassing."

Obviously Matt won't just walk away from his paycheck that easy, so he says "I'm sorry sir, my little brother hit his baseball in here earlier and I had to wait for my parents to go to bed before I could come back for it. It'll only take a minute and then I'll be gone."

"If you don't leave in 30 seconds kid, we will shoot you for trespassing. This property extends outside the fence and we can claim 'Stand your ground' rights.(Florida law that lets you defend yourself when under threat)"

Che. Matt clicked his tongue and said, "Hard way it is then, asshole." Unleashing his shadow whips that he can now freely project from anywhere on his body, Matt now looks like something out of a creepy pasta about a tall, thin creature. Ripping through the gate with his whips that are more like razor wire waving through the air, a gasp of surprise is heard from the microphone before running can be heard. Picking up his pace, Matt breaks into a quick jog and rams through the door of the warehouse. Following his intuition to a plain wall underneath a staircase, Matt kicks it down and finds a tunnel leading underground but stops quickly. He runs upstairs and sees a group of people tied up in the corner. Approaching them he asks, "What are you all doing here?"

One of the older men tied up responds, "Most of us were captured while we were sleeping, they grabbed us off the streets, under bridges, in parks and brought us here. I think they are selling the ones they are taking away."

"So are all of you homeless? I am Judgement and I am here to take him in." Matt says while untying a few of them. "Can you finish untying the others while I continue pursuing him?"

"Of course, thank you very much sir. Make him pay."The old man says while sweating slightly.

Trusting his intuition, Matt uses his appraisal on the group and finds one girl with a fresh bruise on her face and tears in her eyes. Behind her is the highest level human Matt has seen and reminds Matt that he has never appraised his new partner.

Tony "Thunder Head" Trawl

Level 20

I can't see his stats but at level 20 he's gotta be stronger than the file says. "Actually, let me stay with you guys in case he doubles back with another route and attacks you guys or captures you again. You untie the ones over there, I'll get them over here." Matt slowly makes his way towards the girl while untying the ropes on other people in his path. As they are untied, they slowly back away from Tony and the girl. "Just you two left and we can get out of here. Let me see your hands."

Matt grabs her hands but instead of untying them, he pulls her into his arms and quickly jumps back over five feet. "There now, nothing in our way Tony. You can't hide that ugly mug from me." Matt says before walking towards Tony.

"What the hell are you brat. I've never seen someone make the shadows dance, but my boss has terrifying powers and he'll slaughter your family if you mess with his business." Tony growls at Matt.

"Yea sure, just tie your hands up and I'll bring your boss to stay in your cell when he comes to me." Matt throws some rope at Tony's feet.

"You know why they call me 'Thunder Head' brat? They say it's because the sound of my head is like thunder when I crush someone skull with mine, but that's just what humans say. Do you know why my head looks like this?" Tony says while grinning.

Getting a bad feeling, Matt looks at the people behind him and says "Get out of here, now!"

Tony's head starts to deform before two horns grow out of his forehead and begin to throw off sparks. The sparking intensifies as the hostages run away and the light in the room gets brighter. Matt's whips start to fade a bit under the intense light, but he focuses his mana on them and they solidify before striking at Tony.

Tony laughs before explaining,"I'm a lightning ogre and I finally get to let loose against a fun human. Try not to die too quickly, alright?"