Chapter 3: The Execution Hall

The night seemed to have scurried away quickly for Fiba and Genof. They prepared themselves for what felt like the last of anything and everything. Their last meal, their last rest with their families, they spoke what felt like their last exchanges of prayers.

They woke before first light, like robotic beings they couldn't find it in themselves to eat anything as they readied themselves for the trial.

Met with the faces of their townsfolk as the sparks from their oil lamps brought light to the darkness- a solemn laying on of hands as each person looked at each of the boys' faces properly one last time until they went on to the journey to Romani Estate.

Morning light fell on them as they treaded through the woods on a trail to the Count's manor that was akin to the execution halls - and each townsperson dreaded the walk to Romani Manor. It was a name that felt like a curse would be activated if said too loudly.

A lingering feeling of fear and numbness. It had been years since someone was executed- how gory it had been and terrifying to see a person tortured and beheaded. The Count made it necessary to force every single townsfolk to watch without blinking. They'd recall it - the Count had been a little more of a stripling, Genof and Fiba had been by then no more than five of age- forced to count every second of that dreadful day. Remembering that deep scarlet river of blood.

"And this will be your fate - shall any of you dare to mock and violate my command over you." They remembered so vividly his stare as he looked down beneath him to find their terrified orbs staring back. And every time they would remember it - they could see the Count's eyes staring deathly back.

Like the devil's color. Scarlet red.

Fiba wasn't there mentally- the feeling of an impending death terrified him and forced him to warp reality with his imagination to a point of no return- he uttered nonsensical gibberish as he held his mother's hand tightly while she spent the trail pretending to keep it all together.

Genof's father had walked side by side with him closely, afraid to bridge the gap between them, a bittersweet smile on his lips. "Perhaps this way- you'd get to play with your grandfather again, yeah?" A numbest overtook him

"Perhaps, sir." Genofs nodded. Ambra watched meticulously, a sorrow and sense of guilt befalling her, she looked to her back and caught eyes with a certain woman who nodded at her in affirmation. Nita of Era.

The night before had been a night of preparation and Ambra felt slightly out of place for the plans they had in mind- but it couldn't shake away the feeling that "this" was to prevent Reno's drive to disrupt the townsfolk's lives. She found her gaze on Reno who was front and center as their representative - walking with his shoulders hanging a little lower than usual, she knew he was planning something that could risk all their lives and she was sure she had to go through with "it."

She must be the one to do it.

"Finally- felt like a quarter-century would pass 'fore we reach the 'King's' palace." Namu exasperated relieved to finally see the gates of the manor creak open- each door as tall as five men stacked on top of each other. And behind them stood two women, each so inhuman-like and odd.

"We welcome you on behalf of your Count. Please conduct yourself according. We shall escort you to our astounding execution hall." Their syncytial tones and speed of speech and perfect creepy smiles on their faces, without blinking were spine-chilling.

The townsfolk poured in from the gates into the courtyard and through a separate trail that led the way to their destination with caution. The two women disappeared at one point and finally, they found themselves in front of a building - the execution hall of town Elva. A monster at each side of the door, growling menacingly at the sight of people. A carnivorous killing intent emitted from them, each just slightly bigger than the average human adult male, a breed of Canis Lupus Familiaris.

Ruin and Brü.