Chapter 4: The Trial

A single whistle spared the lives of the people, the two monsters began whining as they latched their fangs onto the hooks of the grand doors - pulling them apart to reveal the entry into the hall.

They could not visibly see the other side of the room until the doors were completely opened, and there he sat at the front and center of it, alone, the Count Florian Romani of House Romani. His eyes were closed, his face held up by his right fist, his elbow supported by the grand arms of the throne, his hair in a proper manner with the emblem of the red and gold phoenix shining against the vibrant royal blue ribbon that adorned the left side of his garb.

Another whistle dispelled the dogs from their positions to allow the people in. Once the sense of bloodthirsty hounds gawking at their souls disappeared, the townsfolk settled in. Reno hissed at the arrogance of that man - his eyes never leaving the slumbering man on the throne.

The murmurs and whispers filled the Count's great hall his chamber of execution - far more elegant than the King's palace Hall. Ambra marveled silently at the room, engulfed in such beauty with impending tragedy, it calmed her nerves. The sunlight entering through the grand windows brought life into the hall. Each pillar shared the same emblem of the red and gold phoenix perked on at mid-height, supported by a balcony that provided room to spectate to those that oversee executions - but the space was empty - not a single soul besides the Count and the people had been present.

Above the ceiling was a suspended sculpture of Gold armored knights engaged in a sparing pose, their swords crossing, illuminated by the shining diamonds that surround them, and on the walls were paintings of every Head of the House of Romani. The largest painting lifted at a few meters above the throne - a figure with their face concealed holding the sword of virtue, engraved with the House of Romani seal.

'Garat Ino Esla Mon Prab,' it read on the bottom of the frame. Ambra could've sworn she'd seen that phrase before. She was lost in the beauty - basking in the pure history and treasure the room alone held.

As every single person entered the room and the doors were shut, Ambra watched closely at the Count as his eyes cracked open - the sun rays irradiated his iris - bringing attention to him.

"Those scarlet eyes - you were right Elai, He truly is a monster, perhaps a mongrel of them." Namu snickered, to the person next to her, Ambra watched intently - hearing the slight sound of swift footsteps approaching from afar.

"Perhaps those scarlet eyes will be the last of your memory once I behead you?" The sound of such a menacing voice startled Nemu, her mouth falling off her face. Sevas entered the room from behind the throne with an armada behind her, The Pleiades. Each one, like a soldier uniquely dispersing into their positions until finally they were arrayed in a perfect queue, five on each side of the Count on command for any misgivings, watching every townsperson intently with a threatening aura. Not quite as terrorizing as Count Romani's stare, a stare so vicious Genof felt himself losing consciousness out of utter terror.

"Our Sire has justly invited you to his hall and you gift him with your gossip and indecent participation in speculating his heritage."

"My many apologies, Madame Sevas." Nemu changed her tone, bowing in panic.

"How rude of you, allow it Sire, I will have her head-"

"Let it be, Sevas." Florian's commanded the room. Sevas was glaring daggers at the inferior beings, but the Count's eyes had a deadly indifference to them, that shook Ambra to the core.

"Enough of this child's play." He directed his commands to the people before him, the room fell silent.

"I did not invite you here on idle play. To my concern, there has been a particular issue regarding two adolescents belonging to this domain. My domain. A verdict had been reached in accordance with the evidence provided. And anyone who dares to even breathe wrongly from this moment forward will join them swiftly - without mercy." He gave off the sense that it had only been communal service they'd be sentenced to but Ambra could feel the goosebumps rise on her body as his lifeless eyes washed over every face without empathy.

"Count Romani, what has been said of the verdict?" Yusef bespoke softly, a hope filling him.

"Death without torture."

Gasps filled the room, it had been at that moment they realized how little influence they had over their own affairs and the trial was for formality - those children's fate had been sealed the moment they sent out the summons for the trial. How foolish of them to believe the heartless Count, the Wolf at the Edge of the World would even consider the lives of reckless children?