chapter 5

Anaya POV :

    I woke up with heavy head..... Ugggghhhh..... Why its paining a lot. Wait.... Where I'm.. Who brought me here, it's not my room... What was happen with me.... Uggggghh ....everything makes no sense.... Wait... I.. Entered the living room where five men were standing.... My dad sat on sofa with bowing his head..... Then.... Gunshot... Dead bodies of my p.. Parents.. Oh my god... Ahhhhhhhhhh.... I screamed.

     Suddenly room door opened by someone. There was standing the monster who killed my parents.

      He came towards me. "p-please  ss-stay away from me " ,I said while shuddering. "you monster.... P-please  let me go" I said while crying.

      He chuckles and said" nope can't do that you are already mine ". He stared at me for while.

    " no I'm not yours, you get that, I'm not yours, I'm only of  Asim my love, my fiance. ",I said while shouted on the top of lungs.